Hilarious Moment Kid Quizzes Dad Over Trump Toilet Paper | Happily TV

2022-02-18 3

This is the hilarious moment an innocent child can’t understand why his dad has Donald Trump toilet paper at home despite not voting for him. Cooper Wilson, aged seven, discovers the Presidential loo roll and immediately cross-examines his dad Mike, believing he must actually like Trump if he has the novelty paper. After Mike confirms he didn’t vote for the controversial Republican, his son says: “Well why do you have this? Explain yourself mister - did you vote for him?” Mike, who lives near Yosemite National Park in California, USA, and runs a restaurant called Jersey Dogs, confirms to his baffled son that he really didn’t vote for Trump. But Cooper can’t fathom if that is the case then why his dad would have anything with the President’s face across it at home, deciding he must actually support Trump. After Cooper sends him into a fit of laughter, Mike tells his son he loves him, clearly admiring his son’s adorable innocence.